Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pris' Birthday

Dec 15

This was Pris' birthday but Hans unfortunately had to work in town. Pris also wanted to go into the city to do some errands and some Christmas window shopping. Rather than go into town, John decided to again stay home, enjoy the wonderful scenery of Evergreen Heights and work on the videos to upload them.

Hans and Pris had shown John where all the food and dishes were so he could make his own lunch, have a cup of green tea and top up the sugar and water container in the tree where the Tuis come to visit and drink. It was a quiet and peaceful day. John decided that with space becoming a real issue in his luggage that he should start reading the novel given to him by Liz, his former doctoral student. So he gos a good start on it.

When Hans and Pris came home, it was time to dress for dinner out. Pris had chosen a beautiful Thai restaurant in Orewa for her birthday supper. The restaurant was beautiful, not in its location, in a kind of a strip mall, or in its abience but rather in its food and the brilliant authentic dress and wonderful service provided by the owner and her wait staff.

Pris nad Hans know the owner and it was hugs when we arrived. John told her quietly that it was Pris' birthday. Well, what a feast they had! They shared appetizers and main courses - of seafood, chicken, beef and pork with noodles, rice and vegetables though John did not remember the names of any of the dishes. One of them came to the table steaming and John got a video of it. The flavours were like melodies playing on the tongue. At the end of the meal the owner herslf with her son brought an unordered special dessert, a stack of little cakes with a candle burning on top. Pris seemed pleased because it was a recognition but not 'over the top'

There was enough left over, after all were filled to the brim, to make a full lunch the next day. By the time they got home, it was time for John's final spa pool and what a night! The heaven turned out their finest glory - the air so clear he could see thousands of stars in every direction under the black dome. Hans and John saw an incredible bright meteor that streaked halfway across the sky, a fitting end to an amazing week's stay.


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