Thursday, December 10, 2009

From Puhoi

Wed December 9

John was up early in preparation for his presentation. He was not sure of a number of things: how many people would be up after the conference dinner and party of the night before, how many would make it to his session, and how it would go over.

He needn't have worried. About 30 people showed up and that was after a prior 15 minute keynote session. In fact, the other session was late starting and ending but John's session chair delayed the start so that John and the other four groups presneting would have ther regular time lengths to present. John was extremely happy that Tony, a tech ed guy he had met when he was working in Auckland was the chair.

John started out by saying that he wanted to hear what the audience thought of the meaning he had made of his story of his 17 years involved with online education. Then he told his story as an early adopter of technology and explained his DRAGS model. That took abut half his 25 minutes. Then he asked what people thought. Some thought that early adopters ended up doing three things while John's model only had two. There was discussion, all of it constructive and helpful. One person even said that John's model was similar to a grief process and that grief and change might very well be connected. What an insight!

Two of the next presenters mentioned John or his paper. The presenter in the session just following said that John's paper segued into theirs perfectly. They were very kind. The last paper had to go into the morning break because we had started late. Some people had to have their break and missed it. It was done by Don, a Canadian academic at Auckland Uni, who created and has been working on Auckland's LMS (online platform) called CECIL. It was the first platform John used to teach online as a teacher. He talked about how they are reinventing it to match their competition and make it better. How cool it that!

After John's session, he decided to talk to exhibitors for advice on some things he might do when he gets home. The exhibitors were very friendly even though they knew they couldn't sell John anything; they only deal with Australia/New Zealand. Then it was time for lunch. Many types of chicken kebabs. John had one of each type and sat down.

A young wamn came to talk. She said how much she appreciated John's talk. Then she said how the history was so important because many of the technologies John had mentioned were not even in use when she was born! hahahaha However, it was good to know that his talk had given her an historical perspective. She got up and a young man from Nigeria sat down.

John had met him the day before. He had seemed to know no one and he and John had had a talk. He found New Zealand's winter too cold. He also seemed homesick so John had spent some time trying to give him a laugh and listening to what he had to say. He said that he was sorry he had missed John's talk. John said he should come and see a Canadian winter but he said if it was worse than NZ's he couldn't survive it. John said that we had the clothes for it and that Toronto was a place where many Nigerians lived and if they could do it so could he. Then it was time for the last session, a keynote.

It was a man fron Britain and he talked about Web 2.0 technologies. And he used them. He used twitter as he talked and the twitter feed of his, and those who were following the feed, appeared in real time behind him. It was very impressive and John took good notes. The man ended with pictures and videos he had taken while at the conference set to music. Extraordinary feeling to see some of the people John had met up there on the big screen.

John left the conference, happy that he had come. He said goodbye to Cathy and thanked her for her kindness and generosity and headed to the ferry where he was to meet Hans and Pris at the other side. It was a beautiful day.

John saw Hans in the crowd when the ferry arrived and they greeted each other with hugs and handshakes. It was so good to see his old friend. They had almost lost contact when John was back in Canada. Pris had stayed home to do some things. Hans took John to Cathy's place to pick me and the rest of his luggage up. John said goodbye to Michael, with good wishes all around and then Hans and John were off to Puhoi. Cathy's cats, Minnie and Scarlet, were not around to say goodbye.

John remembered many of the places they drove by on the way to Puhoi. But Hans stopped in at Waiwera, a place John had driven past many times but had not stopped in to see. It was just a tiny place on the ocean. Hans said why don't we stop for a few minutes just to breathe? Like so many places in NZ, it was simply spectacular. After a few silent minutes they were on their way again.

They arrived at Puhoi where John and Pris hugged a big hello. John realized he had not remembered just how beautiful a spot it is. The octagonal house could be in a home magazine, the views from the top of the ridge where the house is located are almost other worldy in their beauty. They showed John to his room where he got out of his conference formal wear within seconds and was in to his shorts and shirt.

They had home made bruschetta before a barbeque'd meal with sausages, chicken, asparagus and mashed potato and the most novel and impressive pickled kiwi fruit. John was reminded of another thing - how well Pris can cook!

After taking a night soak in their hot tub (spa pool in NZ), looking up at the brilliant night sky with their tgousands of stars it was time for bed. John fell asleep before I did.

Sorry but no videos until John can get sufficient bandwidth. Tomorrow John and Hans are off to see the Auckland Museum and other sights.



  1. puuuur!! good thing Minnie and Scarlet, were not around to say goodbye! Missing John petting me. Mind you I am being looked after very well, but it is not the same! So hope March comes soon. Puurrrr

  2. Wow Hans & Pris sound like they have a really beautiful spa like home!! How lucky are you to be treated like British royalty. the queen will just have to scoot over!!

  3. Hot tub.......sounds heavenly. Will we see that in a video? HA
    The queen should not scoot over Gail, you and I should go!! *grin After this week I could use a soak in a hot tub.
    Hope the sun is shining for you.
    And since when could Jack type?

  4. Janice,

    You do have a point!! After the latest blast of snow and freezing wind I could sure use a hot tub!

    By the way you are so insightful to notice that Jack could type!! He is a cat of many talents and so handsome!!

  5. Thanks for the great comments all of you and especially, Jack! People don't know how clever a cat you really are! John and I are very lucky to be treated so well by Hans and Pris.
